27 Black Round

Car wheel care product

Designed to give the original appearance of the tire surface. Restores deep black color, gives shine and hydrophobic effect to the surface. Suitable for caring for carpets and other rubber elements of the car.


  • Restores deep blacks
  • Gives a hydrophobic effect to the surface
  • Suitable for all rubber parts of the car


Clean the surface with SAFE or ECOSAFE and then TOO SHAMPOO with a specialized sponge (brush). Dry the surface and apply the product to a sponge and treat the entire surface area.

Additional information

Storage: store in a tightly closed original container at temperatures between + 5˚C and + 25˚C. During long-term storage, product stratification is possible, stirring is required.

Composition: deionized water (30% or more), polymer film former (15-30%), nonionic surfactants (less than 5%), functional additives according to the original manufacturer’s recipe (less than 5%), flavoring (less than 5%), preservative (less than 5% ).